Evolutionary Psychology has discovered that we have ingrained a mechanism to curb the growth of free riding in society.
It is called Altruistic Punishment. We act against injustices and free riding.
This instinct that explains why most young people are pray to leftist propaganda, leftist media, who coopt young people with the argument that entrepreneurs, investors and suppliers of capital are the real free riders of society, not intelectuals, government burocrats and labour leaders.
One of the most unfortunate phrases in the history of liberalism was the attack on altruism by Adam Smith, the “it is not from the benevolence” phrase.
This led critics to attack liberalism as a proxi to egoism, greed and self-interest.
Adam Smith should have used the word “cooperation”, “strangers working for the commom good in factories” , that is what makes the world go around.
“Cooperation” has been the bandwagon of socialism rather than liberalism, in spite that business and large corporations have suceeded int that respect more than socialism.
Egotists concerned only with their sefl interest don’t go very far doing it all alone.
Adam Smith probably was taking a shot against religions claim that altruism is the sole mover. It is not.
In fact, altruism and the ideology of altruism has been used to pave the road to social parasitism, a deliberate ploy to extract benefits for the free rider.
Complexity Theory, artificial life, game theory, evolutionary psychology are all discovering the basic belief of liberalism. That simple rules can lead to complex behavior.
Marxism’s claim to being scientific gave it enormous credibility, albeit a false one.
Liberalism now has a wealth of scientific findings to claim its assertions, but they are not being systematized as a New Liberalism, meaning a new way of presenting those ideas.
And, that’s all? I expect you’ll expand this discussion further.
With regards,